Carlos Rodrigo Father · Husband · Data specialist

The Happiness equation

The happiness equation is as follows:

Happiness = Reality - Expectations

To improve happiness (H), one must increase their reality (R) or lower their expectations (E). But if you push it to the limit and have no expectations (E=0), then H=R, which I assume is not possible.

  1. How can we increase our reality? This question ties very well with what has always been my response to the question about the purpose of life. The purpose of life is to shape the reality you wish for.

Our reality is made of our relations, our jobs, our thoughts, our feelings, our health (mental + physical)…The better they are, the higher the sum will be, the easier it will be to be happy, so long expectations are limited.

  1. How can we lower our expectations? Sometimes, expectations are hopes, others it’s our projection of how things should be… I feel expectations should not reach 0, a life worth no expectations seems very bland, risk lacking… so oddly enough, if we want to lower our expectations, we must adjust our hopes for reality.

March 19, 2024 #journal